
Showing posts from November, 2022

Shabbat Toldot (Generations)

2 Kislev 5783 Shabbat Shalom! Today's Saturday portion is called: Toldot (Generations): Jacob, Esau and the Purchased Birthright This is a late post because I was meeting someone very important this day on a blessed Sabado and so I was not able to take time to write like I want to when I am just resting at home on a usual Saturday. I will only include the verses that really spoke to me, otherwise you can read the other scriptures that I didn't copy paste the entire context. Toldot (Generations) 5783 Genesis 25:19–28:9; Malachi 1:1–2:7 “And these are the generations [toldot] of Yitzchak [Isaac], Avraham’s [Abraham] son: Avraham begat Yitzchak.”   (Genesis 25:19)   Haftarah Tol’dot: Mal’akhi (Malachi) 1:1–2:7 1  A prophecy, the word of Adonai to Isra’el through Mal’akhi: 2  “I love you,” says Adonai . But you ask, “How do you show us your love?” Adonai answers, “‘Esav was Ya‘akov’s brother. Yet I loved Ya‘akov 3  but hated ‘Esav. I made his mountains desolate and gave his

Shabbat [Chayei Sarah חַיֵּי שָׂרָה]

Shabbat Shalom!   Today's Parasha is called Chayei Sarah (Life of Sarah): Leaving a Legacy of Radical Faith Chayei Sarah (Life of Sarah) 5783 Genesis 23:1–25:18; 1 Kings 1:1–31; 1 Peter 3:1–7 “And the life of Sarah [ Chayei Sarah חַיֵּי שָׂרָה ] was a hundred and seven and twenty years; these were the years of the life of Sarah.”   (Genesis 23:1)   Genesis 25:1-18 Complete Jewish Bible 25 (vi) Avraham took another wife, whose name was K’turah. 2 She bore him Zimran, Yokshan, Medan, Midyan, Yishbak; and Shuach. 3 Yokshan fathered Sh’va and D’dan. The sons of D’dan were Ashurim, L’tushim and L’umim. 4 The sons of Midyan were ‘Eifah, ‘Efer, Hanokh, Avida and Elda‘ah. All these were descendants of K’turah. 5 Avraham gave everything he owned to Yitz’chak. 6 But to the sons of the concubines he made grants while he was still liv