Shabbat Sukkot 5783


Sukkot Week, Sick Week or Rest Week?

This week has been a tough week for me, I was sick for 2 days starting Wednesday, recovering on Friday, I couldn't work while I was sick and worked from home while I recovered... I had plans to meet with Toni and Pipoy this week for business and personal matters regarding church. But I couldn't meet with them. I planned to go to WWCF Cebu this Sunday but I don't know if I can go since my mother became sick after 2 days that I was sick. She was sick on Friday and today on this Blessed Shabbat, I don't think she can go to church on Sunday and so won't I if she stays I want to be able to stay with her but I couldn't care for her since I was recovering and I didn't want her to catch what I was having that made me sick. Also before I was indeed sick, I didn't notice that I was reading the wrong chapter in Deuteronomy. But there must have been a reason why I read that, but reading the wrong thing at the wrong time made things worse for me, instead of encouragement it discouraged me so much that it made my Spirit sick as I was crying out to GOD saying "What did I do wrong? What vanities? Forgive my wrong forgive me, correct me so I could mend my ways and please you...." I was reading Chapter 32 of Deuteronomy by the time I was beginning to be sick and the passage read on Wednesday

20 He said, ‘I will hide my face from them and see what will become of them;
for they are a perverse generation, untrustworthy children.
21 They aroused my jealousy with a non-god and provoked me with their vanities;
I will arouse their jealousy with a non-people and provoke them with a vile nation.
22 “‘For my anger has been fired up. It burns to the depths of Sh’ol,
devouring the earth and its crops, kindling the very roots of the hills.
23 I will heap disasters on them and use up all my arrows against them. 

24 “‘Fatigued by hunger, they will be consumed by fever and bitter defeat;
I will send them the fangs of wild beasts, and the poison of reptiles crawling in the dust.

The night before my Mom was sharing to be of a dream she had that she was bitten by a snake that was in a bag next to me and Cobe barked at that bag but it bit her. And so now I know what snake this was, the snake of sickness and so I pray against this demonic attack in JESUS Name, that this sickness will leave my mother and our family in this home, this household is covered by the blood of JESUS who rules and reigns all things! 

Only today on a Shabbad did I realize that the Word was not meant for me and my sickness, but that word was last weeks reading! Today I will need to read everything what GOD wanted me to read.

Shabbat Chol Hamoed Sukkot
Exodus 33:12–34:26; Ezekiel 38:18–39:16; Revelation 21:1–22:21

Exodus 33:12-34:26
Complete Jewish Bible
1 Adonai said to Moshe, “Leave, you and the people you brought up from the land of Egypt; and move on from here toward the land of which I swore to Avraham, Yitz’chak and Ya‘akov, ‘I will give it to your descendants.’ 2 I will send an angel ahead of you; and I will drive out the Kena‘ani, Emori, Hitti, P’rizi, Hivi and Y’vusi. 3 You will go to a land flowing with milk and honey; but I myself will not go with you, because you are such a stiffnecked people that I might destroy you on the way.” 4 When the people heard this bad news, they went into mourning; and no one wore his ornaments. 5 Adonai said to Moshe, “Tell the people of Isra’el, ‘You are a stiffnecked people! If I were to go up with you for even one moment, I would exterminate you! Now, keep your ornaments off; then I will decide what to do to you.’” 6 So from Mount Horev onward, the people of Isra’el stripped themselves of their ornaments.

7 Moshe would take the tent and pitch it outside the camp, far away from the camp. He called it the tent of meeting. Everyone who wanted to consult Adonai would go out to the tent of meeting, outside the camp. 8 Whenever Moshe went out to the tent, all the people would get up and stand, each man at his tent door, and look at Moshe until he had gone into the tent. 9 Whenever Moshe entered the tent, the column of cloud would descend and station itself at the entrance to the tent; and Adonai would speak with Moshe. 10 When all the people saw the column of cloud stationed at the entrance to the tent, they would get up and prostrate themselves, each man at his tent door. 11 Adonai would speak to Moshe face to face, as a man speaks to his friend. Then he would return to the camp; but the young man who was his assistant, Y’hoshua the son of Nun, never left the inside of the tent.

(iii) 12 Moshe said to Adonai, “Look, you say to me, ‘Make these people move on!’ But you haven’t let me know whom you will be sending with me. Nevertheless you have said, ‘I know you by name,’ and also, ‘You have found favor in my sight.’ 13 Now, please, if it is really the case that I have found favor in your sight, show me your ways; so that I will understand you and continue finding favor in your sight. Moreover, keep on seeing this nation as your people.” 14 He answered, “Set your mind at rest — my presence will go with you, after all.” 15 Moshe replied, “If your presence doesn’t go with us, don’t make us go on from here. 16 For how else is it to be known that I have found favor in your sight, I and your people, other than by your going with us? That is what distinguishes us, me and your people, from all the other peoples on earth.” 

THE READING when I was beginning to be sick supposedly:

(iv) 17 Adonai said to Moshe, “I will also do what you have asked me to do, because you have found favor in my sight, and I know you by name.” 18 But Moshe said, “I beg you to show me your glory!” 19 He replied, “I will cause all my goodness to pass before you, and in your presence I will pronounce the name of Adonai. Moreover, I show favor to whomever I will, and I display mercy to whomever I will. 20 But my face,” he continued, “you cannot see, because a human being cannot look at me and remain alive. 21 Here,” he said, “is a place near me; stand on the rock. 22 When my glory passes by, I will put you inside a crevice in the rock and cover you with my hand, until I have passed by. 23 Then I will remove my hand, and you will see my back, but my face is not to be seen.”

34 (v) Adonai said to Moshe, “Cut yourself two tablets of stone like the first ones; and I will inscribe on the tablets the words that were on the first tablets, which you broke. 2 Be ready by morning; in the morning you are to ascend Mount Sinai and present yourself to me on the top of the mountain. 3 No one is to come up with you, and no one is to be seen anywhere on the mountain; don’t even let the flocks or herds feed in front of this mountain.” 4 Moshe cut two stone tablets like the first. Then he got up early in the morning and, with the two stone tablets in his hands, ascended Mount Sinai, as Adonai had ordered him to do.

5 Adonai descended in the cloud, stood with him there and pronounced the name of Adonai. 6 Adonai passed before him and proclaimed: “YUD-HEH-VAV-HEH!!! Yud-Heh-Vav-Heh [Adonai] is God, merciful and compassionate, slow to anger, rich in grace and truth; 7 showing grace to the thousandth generation, forgiving offenses, crimes and sins; yet not exonerating the guilty, but causing the negative effects of the parents’ offenses to be experienced by their children and grandchildren, and even by the third and fourth generations.” 8 At once Moshe bowed his head to the ground, prostrated himself 9 and said, “If I have now found favor in your view, Adonai, then please let Adonai go with us, even though they are a stiffnecked people; and pardon our offenses and our sin; and take us as your possession.”

(vi) 10 He said, “Here, I am making a covenant; in front of all your people I will do wonders such as have not been created anywhere on earth or in any nation. All the people around you will see the work of Adonai. What I am going to do through you will be awesome! 11 Observe what I am ordering you to do today. Here! I am driving out ahead of you the Emori, Kena‘ani, Hitti, P’rizi, Hivi and Y’vusi. 12 Be careful not to make a covenant with the people living in the land where you are going, so that they won’t become a snare within your own borders. 13 Rather, you are to demolish their altars, smash their standing-stones and cut down their sacred poles; 14 because you are not to bow down to any other god; since Adonai — whose very name is Jealous — is a jealous God. 15 Do not make a covenant with the people living in the land. It will cause you to go astray after their gods and sacrifice to their gods. Then they will invite you to join them in eating their sacrifices, 16 and you will take their daughters as wives for your sons. Their daughters will prostitute themselves to their own gods and make your sons do the same!

17 “Do not cast metal gods for yourselves.

18 “Keep the festival of matzah by eating matzah, as I ordered you, for seven days during the month of Aviv; for it was in the month of Aviv that you came out from Egypt.

19 “Everything that is first from the womb is mine. Of all your livestock, you are to set aside for me the males, the firstborn of cattle and flock. 20 The firstborn of a donkey you must redeem with a lamb; if you won’t redeem it, break its neck. All the firstborn of your sons you are to redeem, and no one is to appear before me empty-handed.

21 “Six days you will work, but on the seventh day you are to rest — even in plowing time and harvest season you are to rest.

22 “Observe the festival of Shavu‘ot with the first-gathered produce of the wheat harvest, and the festival of ingathering at the turn of the year. 23 Three times a year all your men are to appear before the Lord, Adonai, the God of Isra’el. 24 For I am going to expel nations ahead of you and expand your territory, and no one will even covet your land when you go up to appear before Adonai your God three times a year. 25 You are not to offer the blood of my sacrifice with leavened bread, and the sacrifice of the feast of Pesach is not to be left until morning. 26 You are to bring the best firstfruits of your land into the house of Adonai your God.

“You are not to boil a young goat in its mother’s milk.”


Ezekiel 38:18-39:16
Complete Jewish Bible

18 When that day comes, when Gog invades the land of Isra’el,’ says Adonai Elohim, ‘my furious anger will boil up. 19 In my jealousy, in my heated fury I speak: when that day comes there will be a great earthquake in the land of Isra’el; 20 so that the fish in the sea, the birds in the air, the wild beasts, all the reptiles creeping on the ground and every human being there in the land will tremble before me. Mountains will fall, cliffs crumble and every wall crash to the ground. 21 I will summon a sword against him throughout all my mountains,’ says Adonai Elohim; ‘every man will wield his sword against his brother. 22 I will judge him with plague and with blood. I will cause torrential rain to fall on him, his troops and the many peoples with him, along with huge hailstones, fire and sulfur. 23 I will show my greatness and holiness, making myself known in the sight of many nations; then they will know that I am Adonai.’

39 “So you, human being, prophesy against Gog; say that Adonai Elohim says: ‘I am against you, Gog, chief prince of Meshekh and Tuval. 2 I will turn you around, lead you on and bring you from the far reaches of the north against the mountains of Isra’el. 3 But then I will knock your bow out of your left hand and make your arrows drop from your right hand. 4 You will fall on the mountains of Isra’el, you, your troops and all the peoples with you; I will give you to be eaten up by all kinds of birds of prey and by wild animals. 5 You will fall in the open field, for I have spoken,’ says Adonai Elohim.

6 “‘I will also send fire against Magog and against those living securely in the coastlands; then they will know that I am Adonai. 7 I will make my holy name known among my people Isra’el; I will not allow my holy name to be profaned any longer. Then the Goyim will know that I am Adonai, the Holy One in Isra’el. 8 Yes, this is coming, and it will be done,’ says Adonai Elohim; ‘this is the day about which I have spoken.

9 “‘Those living in Isra’el’s cities will go out and set fire to the weapons, to use as fuel — the shields, breastplates, bows, arrows, clubs and spears; they will use them for fire seven years; 10 so that they will not need to gather wood from the fields or cut down any from the forests; because they will use the weapons for fire. Thus they will plunder those who plundered them and rob those who robbed them,’ says Adonai Elohim.

11 “‘When that day comes, I will give Gog a place there in Isra’el for graves, the Travelers’ Valley, east of the sea; and it will block the travelers’ passage. There they will bury Gog and all his horde, and they will rename it the Valley of Hamon-Gog [horde of Gog]. 12 It will take the house of Isra’el seven months to bury them, in order to cleanse the land. 13 Yes, all the people of the land will be burying them; they will become famous for it. It will be a day for me to be glorified,’ says Adonai Elohim. 14 ‘They will then pick men for the continual duty of going through the land and burying with the travelers the corpses still lying out on the ground, in order to cleanse it; they will begin their search after the seven months. 15 As they go through the land, if anyone sees a human bone, he will put a marker next to it until the gravediggers have buried it in the Valley of Hamon-Gog. 16 Moreover, “Hamonah” [its horde] will be the name of a city. Thus will they cleanse the land.’ 

Revelation 21-22

Complete Jewish Bible

21 Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth,[a] for the old heaven and the old earth had passed away, and the sea was no longer there. 2 Also I saw the holy city, New Yerushalayim, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared like a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. 3 I heard a loud voice from the throne say, “See! God’s Sh’khinah is with mankind, and he will live with them. They will be his people, and he himself, God-with-them, will be their God.[b] 4 He will wipe away every tear from their eyes. There will no longer be any death; and there will no longer be any mourning, crying or pain; because the old order has passed away.”

5 Then the One sitting on the throne said, “Look! I am making everything new!” Also he said, “Write, ‘These words are true and trustworthy!’” 6 And he said to me, “It is done! I am the ‘A’ and the ‘Z,’ the Beginning and the End. To anyone who is thirsty I myself will give water free of charge from the Fountain of Life. 7 He who wins the victory will receive these things, and I will be his God, and he will be my son. 8 But as for the cowardly, the untrustworthy, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those involved with the occult and with drugs, idol-worshippers, and all liars — their destiny is the lake burning with fire and sulfur, the second death.”

9 One of the seven angels having the seven bowls full of the seven last plagues approached me and said, “Come! I will show you the Bride, the Wife of the Lamb.” 10 He carried me off in the Spirit to the top of a great, high mountain and showed me the holy city, Yerushalayim, coming down out of heaven from God. 11 It had the Sh’khinah of God, so that its brilliance was like that of a priceless jewel, like a crystal-clear diamond. 12 It had a great, high wall with twelve gates; at the gates were twelve angels; and inscribed on the gates were the names of the twelve tribes of Isra’el. 13 There were three gates to the east, three gates to the north, three gates to the south and three gates to the west. 14 The wall of the city was built on twelve foundation-stones, and on these were the twelve names of the twelve emissaries of the Lamb.

15 The angel speaking with me had a gold measuring-rod with which to measure the city, its gates and its wall. 16 The city is laid out in a square, its length equal to its width. With his rod he measured the city at 1,500 miles, with length, width and height the same. 17 He measured its wall at 216 feet by human standards of measurement, which the angel was using. 18 The wall was made of diamond and the city of pure gold resembling pure glass. 19 The foundations of the city wall were decorated with all kinds of precious stones — the first foundation stone was diamond, the second sapphire, the third chalcedony, the fourth emerald, 20 the fifth sardonyx, the sixth carnelian, the seventh chrysolite, the eighth beryl, the ninth topaz, the tenth chrysoprase, the eleventh turquoise and the twelfth amethyst. 21 The twelve gates were twelve pearls, with each gate made of a single pearl. The city’s main street was pure gold, transparent as glass.

22 I saw no Temple in the city, for Adonai, God of heaven’s armies, is its Temple, as is the Lamb. 23 The city has no need for the sun or the moon to shine on it, because God’s Sh’khinah gives it light, and its lamp is the Lamb. 24 The nations will walk by its light, and the kings of the earth will bring their splendor into it. 25 Its gates will never close, they stay open all day because night will not exist there, 26 and the honor and splendor of the nations will be brought into it. 27 Nothing impure may enter it, nor anyone who does shameful things or lies; the only ones who may enter are those whose names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.

22 Next the angel showed me the river of the water of life, sparkling like crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb. 2 Between the main street and the river was the Tree of Life producing twelve kinds of fruit, a different kind every month; and the leaves of the tree were for healing the nations — 3 no longer will there be any curses. The throne of God and of the Lamb will be in the city, and his servants will worship him; 4 they will see his face, and his name will be on their foreheads. 5 Night will no longer exist, so they will need neither the light of a lamp nor the light of the sun, because Adonai, God, will shine upon them. And they will reign as kings forever and ever.

6 Then he said to me, “These words are true and trustworthy: Adonai, God of the spirits of the prophets, sent his angel to show his servants the things that must happen soon.”

7 “Look! I am coming very soon. Blessed is the person who obeys the words of the prophecy written in this book!”

8 Then I, Yochanan, the one hearing and seeing these things, when I heard and saw them, I fell down to worship at the feet of the angel showing them to me. 9 But he said to me, “Don’t do that! I am only a fellow-servant with you and your brothers, the prophets and the people who obey the words in this book. Worship God!”

10 Then he said to me, “Don’t seal up the words of the prophecy in this book,[c] because the time of their fulfillment is near.

11 “Whoever keeps acting wickedly, let him go on acting wickedly;
whoever is filthy, let him go on being made filthy.

“Also, whoever is righteous, let him go on doing what is righteous;
and whoever is holy, let him go on being made holy.”

12 “Pay attention!” [says Yeshua,] “I am coming soon, and my rewards are with me to give to each person according to what he has done. 13 I am the ‘A’ and the ‘Z,’ the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.”

14 How blessed are those who wash their robes, so that they have the right to eat from the Tree of Life and go through the gates into the city! 15 Outside are the homosexuals, those involved with the occult and with drugs, the sexually immoral, murderers, idol-worshippers, and everyone who loves and practices falsehood. 16 “I, Yeshua, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the Messianic communities. I am the Root and Offspring of David, the bright Morning Star. 17 The Spirit and the Bride say, ‘Come!’ Let anyone who hears say, ‘Come!’ And let anyone who is thirsty come — let anyone who wishes, take the water of life free of charge.”

18 I warn everyone hearing the words of the prophecy in this book that if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues written in this book. 19 And if anyone takes anything away from the words in the book of this prophecy, God will take away his share in the Tree of Life and the holy city, as described in this book.

20 “The one who is testifying to these things says, ‘Yes, I am coming soon!’”

Amen! Come, Lord Yeshua!

21 May the grace of the Lord Yeshua be with all!

And I were to read this weeks Shabbat Parashah without interruption from the special holiday of Sukkot it would have been 

Parashat V’Zot HaBrachah

Deuteronomy 33

The Blessing of Moses
1 This is the blessing with which Moses the man of God blessed Bnei-Yisrael before his death. 2 He said, “Adonai came from Sinai and dawned on Bnei-Yisrael from Seir.
He shone forth from Mount Paran, and He came from the holy myriads—blazing fire[a] for them from His right hand.
3 Indeed, a lover of peoples is He—all His kedoshim are in His hand.
They followed in Your steps, each receiving Your words.
4 Torah Moses commanded us— a heritage for the community of Jacob.
5 He became king in Jeshurun when the heads of the people gathered,
all the tribes of Israel together.
6 ‘Let Reuben live and not die, though his people become few.’
7 Now this is for Judah. He said, ‘Hear, Adonai, the voice of Judah!
Bring him to his people. His hands contended for him, so You will be a help against his foes.’

Monday Reading II:

8 For Levi he said,
‘Let Your Thummim and Urim be with Your pious man.
You tested him at Massah, You strived with him at the waters of Meribah.’
9 He said of his father and mother, “I have not seen them,”
nor did he acknowledge his brothers or recognize his children.
For they observed Your word and kept Your covenant.
10 They will teach Jacob Your judgments and Israel Your Torah.
They will put incense in your nose and whole burnt offerings on Your altar.
11 Adonai, bless his resources, find favor in the work of his hands.
Crush the loins of those who rise against him and hate him, so they do not rise again.’
12 For Benjamin he said, ‘The beloved of Adonai rests securely beside Him.
He shields him all day long. Between His shoulders he rests.’

Tuesday Reading III:

13 For Joseph he said, ‘May his land be blessed by Adonai
with heavenly bounty from the dew and from the deep lying beneath,
14 and with the bounty of the sun’s produce and the months’ yield,
15 and with the best from the ancient mountains
and the bounty of the everlasting hills,
16 with earth’s bounty and its fullness and the favor of the One dwelling in the bush.
May it come on Joseph’s head, on the crown of the prince among his brothers.
17 The firstborn ox—majesty is his. His horns are the horns of the wild ox.
With them he gores peoples, all at once, to the ends of the earth.
They are the myriads of Ephraim, they are the thousands of Manasseh.’

Wednesday Reading IV:

18 For Zebulun he said, ‘Rejoice, Zebulun, in your going out, and Issachar, in your tents.
19 Peoples they call to the mountain—there they offer righteous sacrifices.
For they suckle the abundance of the seas and the hidden treasures of the sand.’
20 For Gad he said, ‘Blessed is the one who enlarges Gad.
Like a lion he crouches, and tears off an arm or even the crown of a head.
21 He chose the best for himself, for there a marked portion was reserved.
He came with the heads of the people. He carried out Adonai’s justice
and His judgments for Israel.’

Thursday Reading V:

22 For Dan he said, ‘Dan is a lion’s cub leaping out of the Bashan.’
23 For Naphtali he said, ‘O Naphtali, satisfied with favor and full of the blessing of Adonai,
possess the sea and the south.’
24 For Asher he said, ‘Most blessed of sons is Asher—
may he be the favorite of his brothers, and may he dip his foot in oil.
25 The bolts of your gates will be iron and bronze. As your days, so will your strength be.’
26 “There is none like God, Jeshurun, riding through the heavens to your aid
and through the skies in His majesty.

Friday Reading VI:

27 A refuge is the ancient God,
and underneath are everlasting arms.
He drove out the enemy before you
and said, ‘Destroy!’
28 So Israel rests in safety,
untroubled is Jacob’s fountain
in a land of grain and new wine.
Yes, his heavens drip dew.
29 Happy are you, O Israel!
Who is like you, a people saved by Adonai,
the Shield of your help
and the Sword of your triumph?
Your enemies will cower before you,
and you will trample on their backs.”

Shabbat Reading VII:
Deuteronomy 34

Complete Jewish Bible

1 (vii) Moshe ascended from the plains of Mo’av to Mount N’vo, to the summit of Pisgah, across from Yericho. There Adonai showed him all the land — Gil‘ad as far as Dan, 2 all Naftali, the land of Efrayim and M’nasheh, the land of Y’hudah all the way to the sea beyond, 3 the Negev, and the ‘Aravah, including the valley where Yericho, the City of Date-Palms, as far away as Tzo‘ar. 4 Adonai said to him, “This is the land concerning which I swore to Avraham, Yitz’chak and Ya‘akov, ‘I will give it to your descendants.’ I have let you see it with your eyes, but you will not cross over there.”

5 So Moshe, the servant of Adonai, died there in the land of Mo’av, as Adonai had said. 6 He was buried in the valley across from Beit-P‘or in the land of Mo’av, but to this day no one knows where his grave is.

7 Moshe was 120 years old when he died, with eyes undimmed and vigor undiminished.
8 The people of Isra’el mourned Moshe on the plains of Mo’av for thirty days; after this, the days of crying and mourning for Moshe ended.

9 Y’hoshua the son of Nun was full of the Spirit of wisdom, for Moshe had laid his hands on him, and the people of Isra’el heeded him and did what Adonai had ordered Moshe.

10 Since that time there has not arisen in Isra’el a prophet like Moshe, whom Adonai knew face to face. 11 What signs and wonders Adonai sent him to perform in the land of Egypt upon Pharaoh, all his servants and all his land! 12 What might was in his hand! What great terror he evoked before the eyes of all Isra’el!

Haftarah V’zot HaBrachah: Y’hoshua (Joshua) 1:1–18 (A); 1:1–9 (S)

B’rit Hadashah suggested readings for Parashah V’zot HaBrachah: Mattityahu (Matthew) 17:1–9; Mark 9:2–10; Luke 9:28–36; Y’hudah (Jude) 3–4, 8–10

Hazak, hazak, v’nit’chazek!

Be strong, be strong, and let us be strengthened!


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