Shabbat Vayetzei (And he went out)

Shabbat Shalom! 

Vayetzei: Jacob Receives His Inheritance

Vayetzei (And He went out)5783
Genesis 28:10–32:2[3]; Hosea 12:13–14:9[10]; John 4:1–26

“And Jacob went out from Beersheba.” (Genesis 28:10)

 Genesis 31:43-32:2

(vii) 43 Lavan answered Ya‘akov, “The daughters are mine, the children are mine, the flocks are mine, and everything you see is mine! But what can I do today about these daughters of mine or the children they have borne? 44 So now, come, let’s make a covenant, I and you; and let it stand as a testimony between me and you.” 45 Ya‘akov took a stone and set it upright as a standing-stone. 46 Then Ya‘akov said to his kinsmen, “Gather some stones”; and they took stones, made a pile of them and ate there by the pile of stones. 47 Lavan called it Y’gar-Sahaduta [“pile of witness” in Aramaic], while Ya‘akov called it Gal-‘Ed [“pile of witness” in Hebrew].

48 Lavan said, “This pile witnesses between me and you today.” This is why it is called Gal-‘Ed 49 and also HaMitzpah [the watchtower], because he said, “May Adonai watch between me and you when we are apart from each other. 50 If you cause pain to my daughters, or if you take wives in addition to my daughters, then, even if no one is there with us, still God is witness between me and you.” 51 Lavan also said to Ya‘akov, “Here is this pile, and here is this standing-stone, which I have set up between me and you. 52 May this pile be a witness, and may the standing-stone be a witness, that I will not pass beyond this pile to you, and you will not pass beyond this pile and this standing-stone to me, to cause harm. 53 May the God of Avraham and also the god of Nachor, the god of their father, judge between us.” But Ya‘akov swore by the One his father Yitz’chak feared. 54 Ya‘akov offered a sacrifice on the mountain and invited his kinsmen to the meal. They ate the food and spent the whole night on the mountain.

32 (Maftir) (31:55) Early in the morning Lavan got up, kissed his sons and daughters, and blessed them. Then Lavan left and returned to his own place. (1) Ya‘akov went on his way, and the angels of God met him.

Haftarah Vayetze: Hoshea (Hosea) 12:13(12)–14:10(9) (A); 11:7–12:12(11) (S)
Hosea 11
Complete Jewish Bible
7 My people are hanging in suspense about returning to me;
and though they call them upwards, nobody makes a move.
8 Efrayim, how can I give you up, or surrender you, Isra’el?
How could I treat you like Admah or make you like Tzvoyim?
My heart recoils at the idea, as compassion warms within me.
9 I will not give vent to the fierceness of my rage, I will not return to destroy Efrayim;
for I am God, not a human being, the Holy One among you; so I will not come in fury.
10 They will go after Adonai, who will roar like a lion;
for he will roar, and the children will come trembling from the west.
11 They will tremble like a bird as they come from Egypt,
like a dove as they come from the land of Ashur;
and I will resettle them in their own houses, says Adonai. 

Hosea 12 (11:12) “Efrayim surrounds me with lies and the house of Isra’el with deceit.
Y’hudah still rules with God and is faithful with holy ones. 

2 (1) Efrayim is chasing the wind, pursuing the wind from the east.
All day he piles up lies and desolation —they make a covenant with Ashur,
while sending olive oil to Egypt.
3 (2) Adonai also has a grievance against Y’hudah;
he will punish Ya‘akov according to his ways and pay him back for his misdeeds.
4 (3) In the womb he took his brother by the heel;
in the strength of his manhood he fought with God.
5 (4) Yes, he fought with an angel and won; he wept and pleaded with him.
Then at Beit-El he found him, and there he would [later] speak with us —
6 (5) Adonai Elohei-Tzva’ot; Adonai is his name!
7 (6) So you, return to your God; hold fast to grace and justice;
and always put your hope in your God.
8 (7) “A huckster keeps false scales, and he loves to cheat.
9 (8) Efrayim says, ‘I have gotten so rich! I have made me a fortune!
And in all my profits no one will find anything wrong or sinful.’
10 (9) “But I am Adonai your God, from the land of Egypt.
Again I will make you live in tents, as in the days of the established festival.
11 (10) I have spoken to the prophets; it was I who gave vision after vision;
through the prophets I gave examples to show what it would all be like.
12 (11) Is Gil‘ad given to iniquity? Yes, they have become worthless.
In Gilgal they sacrifice to bulls; therefore their altars are like piles of stones in a plowed field.”
13 (12) Ya‘akov fled to the land of Aram. There Isra’el slaved to win a wife;
for a wife he tended sheep.
14 (13) By a prophet Adonai brought Isra’el up from Egypt, and by a prophet he was protected.
15 (14) Efrayim has given bitter provocation, so the penalty for his bloodshed will be thrown down on him, and his Lord will repay him for his insult.

Hosea 13:1 “When Efrayim spoke, there was trembling; he was a power in Isra’el.
But when he incurred guilt through Ba‘al, he died.
2 So now they keep adding sin to sin, casting images from their silver;
idols they invent for themselves, all of them the work of craftsmen.
‘Sacrifice to them,’ they say. Men give kisses to calves!
3 Therefore they will be like a morning cloud, like the dew that disappears early,
like chaff blown by wind from the threshing-floor, or like smoke that goes out the window.
4 Still, I am Adonai your God, from the land of Egypt;
and you don’t know any God but me or, other than me, any Savior.
5 I knew you in the desert, in a land of terrible drought.
6 When they were fed, they were satisfied; when satisfied, they became proud.
Therefore they forgot me.
7 So now I have become like a lion to them; like a leopard I will lurk by the road;
8 I will meet them like a bear whose cubs have been taken away.
I will tear their hearts from their bodies.
I will devour them there like a lion, like a wild animal ripping them up.
9 It is your destruction, Isra’el, although your help is in me.
10 So now, where is your king, to save you in all your cities?
Where are your judges, of whom you said, ‘Give me a king and leaders’?
11 I gave you a king in my anger; and in my fury I took him away.
12 “Efrayim’s guilt has been wrapped up, his sin is stored away.
13 The pain of being born will come to him; but he is an unwise son.
The time has come; and he shouldn’t delay, there at the mouth of the womb.
14 Should I ransom them from the power of Sh’ol? Should I redeem them from death?
Where are your plagues, death; where is your destruction, Sh’ol? My eyes are closed to compassion.
15 For though he flourishes among the reeds, an east wind will come, a wind from Adonai,
blowing up from the desert. Then his water source will dry up, then his spring will fail —
it will plunder his treasury, removing every precious thing.”

Hosea 14 (13:16) Shomron will bear her guilt, for she has rebelled against her God.
They will fall by the sword, their little ones will be dashed to pieces
and their pregnant women ripped open.
2 (1) Return, Isra’el, to Adonai your God, for your guilt has made you stumble.
3 (2) Take words with you, and return to Adonai; say to him, “Forgive all guilt,
and accept what is good; we will pay instead of bulls [the offerings of] our lips.
4 (3) Ashur will not save us, we will not ride on horses, and we will no longer call
what we made with our hands our gods. For it is only in you that the fatherless can find mercy.”

5 (4) “I will heal their disloyalty, I will love them freely; for my anger has turned from him.
6 (5) I will be like dew to Isra’el; he will blossom like a lily and strike roots like the L’vanon.
7 (6) His branches will spread out, his beauty be like an olive tree and his fragrance like the L’vanon.
8 (7) Again they will live in his shade and raise grain; they will blossom like a vine,
and its aroma will be like the wine of the L’vanon.
9 (8) Efrayim [will say], ‘What have I to do any more with idols?’
And I, I answer and affirm him; I am like a fresh, green cypress tree;
your fruitfulness comes from me.”
10 (9) Let the wise understand these things, and let the discerning know them.
For the ways of Adonai are straight, And the righteous walk in them,
but in them sinners stumble.

B’rit Hadashah suggested reading for Parashah Vayetze: Yochanan (John) 1:43–51

John 1:43-51

Complete Jewish Bible

43 The next day, having decided to leave for the Galil, Yeshua found Philip and said, “Follow me!” 44 Philip was from Beit-Tzaidah, the town where Andrew and Kefa lived. 45 Philip found Natan’el and told him, “We’ve found the one that Moshe wrote about in the Torah, also the Prophets — it’s Yeshua Ben-Yosef from Natzeret!” 46 Natan’el answered him, “Natzeret? Can anything good come from there?” “Come and see,” Philip said to him. 47 Yeshua saw Natan’el coming toward him and remarked about him, “Here’s a true son of Isra’el — nothing false in him!” 48 Natan’el said to him, “How do you know me?” Yeshua answered him, “Before Philip called you, when you were under the fig tree, I saw you.” 49 Natan’el said, “Rabbi, you are the Son of God! You are the King of Isra’el!” 50 Yeshua answered him, “you believe all this just because I told you I saw you under the fig tree? You will see greater things than that!” 51 Then he said to him, “Yes indeed! I tell you that you will see heaven opened and the angels of God going up and coming down[a] on the Son of Man!”

John 4:1-26
Complete Jewish Bible
4 When Yeshua learned that the P’rushim had heard he was making and immersing more talmidim than Yochanan 2 (although it was not Yeshua himself who immersed but his talmidim), 3 Yeshua left Y’hudah and set out again for the Galil. 4 This meant that he had to pass through Shomron.

5 He came to a town in Shomron called Sh’khem, near the field Ya‘akov had given to his son Yosef. 6 Ya‘akov’s Well was there; so Yeshua, exhausted from his travel, sat down by the well; it was about noon. 7 A woman from Shomron came to draw some water; and Yeshua said to her, “Give me a drink of water.” 8 (His talmidim had gone into town to buy food.) 9 The woman from Shomron said to him, “How is it that you, a Jew, ask for water from me, a woman of Shomron?” (For Jews don’t associate with people from Shomron.) 10 Yeshua answered her, “If you knew God’s gift, that is, who it is saying to you, ‘Give me a drink of water,’ then you would have asked him; and he would have given you living water.”

11 She said to him, “Sir, you don’t have a bucket, and the well is deep; so where do you get this ‘living water’? 12 You aren’t greater than our father Ya‘akov, are you? He gave us this well and drank from it, and so did his sons and his cattle.” 13 Yeshua answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will get thirsty again, 14 but whoever drinks the water I will give him will never be thirsty again! On the contrary, the water I give him will become a spring of water inside him, welling up into eternal life!”

15 “Sir, give me this water,” the woman said to him, “so that I won’t have to be thirsty and keep coming here to draw water.” 16 He said to her, “Go, call your husband, and come back.” 17 She answered, “I don’t have a husband.” Yeshua said to her, “You’re right, you don’t have a husband! 18 You’ve had five husbands in the past, and you’re not married to the man you’re living with now! You’ve spoken the truth!”

19 “Sir, I can see that you are a prophet,” the woman replied. 20 “Our fathers worshipped on this mountain, but you people say that the place where one has to worship is in Yerushalayim.” 21 Yeshua said, “Lady, believe me, the time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Yerushalayim. 22 You people don’t know what you are worshipping; we worship what we do know, because salvation comes from the Jews. 23 But the time is coming — indeed, it’s here now — when the true worshippers will worship the Father spiritually and truly, for these are the kind of people the Father wants worshipping him. 24 God is spirit; and worshippers must worship him spiritually and truly.”

25 The woman replied, “I know that Mashiach is coming” (that is, “the one who has been anointed”). “When he comes, he will tell us everything.” 26 Yeshua said to her, “I, the person speaking to you, am he.”


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